Monthly Archives: December 2016

Controlling Bamboo

bamboo-052Golden bamboo (phyllostachys aurea) and other nonnative bamboos are perennial grass-like plants. These are runner types of bamboo, that spread with thick, underground stems called rhizomes. Clumping bamboo species grow in large clumps and are much slower in spreading. These rhizomes can spread more than 100 feet from the mother plant.

We did not get a chance to stop by a site of bamboo at Pebble Hill for our Forestry & Wildlife meeting this year. But Dr. Moorhead did cover this topic during lunch. Here is a picture of the site we would have visited, and actually is probably 90% controlled.


When controlling these runner-types of bamboo, there needs to be some efforts to break up those rhizomes. In open area patches, you can use a tractor and disk to knock down and chop up the rhizome mat. Following this, we’ll still need to use herbicides. Dr. Moorhead recommends a soil active herbicide. Velpar L or Velpar DF is a good choice. This is made in the spring of the year. Use a site prep rate which will kill any trees with roots growing in the treated area. If pine are growing in the patch, use a release rate of Velpar noted on the herbicide label based on soil texture. If you cannot risk this kind of damage to the overstory trees, cut down the bamboo (crush it, burn, etc.), then treat the new shoots with 4% glyphosate (1 pint per 3 gallon mix)..

Here is an example of the rates of velpar from the UGA Pest Control Handbook. We need to be under “Coarse” texture on the far right: 2, 3 or 4 qt per acre for a release rate.


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Filed under Forestry

FSA – Livestock / Forage Disaster Program

This notice from Thomas County FSA in an effort to help cattleman producers. Please contact Thomas County FSA for more information:

Producers in Thomas County are eligible to apply for 2016 Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) benefits on native pasture or improved pasture.

LFP provides compensation to eligible livestock producers who suffer grazing losses for covered livestock due to drought on privately owned or cash leased land or fire on federally managed land.

County committees can only accept LFP applications after notification is received by the National Office of qualifying drought or if a federal agency prohibits producers from grazing normal permitted livestock on federally managed lands due to qualifying fire.  Eligible livestock producers must complete a CCC-853 and the required supporting documentation no later than January 30, 2017 for 2016 losses.

Additional Information about LFP, including eligible livestock and fire criteria, is available at your local FSA office or online at:

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Filed under Forages, Livestock

UGA Cotton Market Update


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December 12, 2016 · 5:30 PM

2017 Georgia Ag Forecast


Each year, economists from UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in partnership with Georgia Farm Bureau and the Georgia Department of Agriculture present an outlook of agricultural markets for the coming year.

The upcoming farm bill and the Food and Drug Administration’s veterinary feed directive (VFD) will be the featured topics this year. Bob Redding of Washington’s The Redding Firm, will share information and moderate a conversation about the upcoming 2018 farm bill in Macon, Tifton, Bainbridge, Lyons and Waynesboro. This year’s 2017 Georgia Ag Forecast meetings in South GA will be held at these locations:

Monday, January 23: Tifton – UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center

Tuesday, January 24: Bainbridge – Decatur County Agricultural Center

Wednesday, Jan. 25: Lyons – Toombs County Agri-Center

Thursday, Jan. 26: Waynesboro – Burke County Office Park

Click on this link to see all other dates in Georgia and registration:


Each session will have the following schedule (Except Tifton):

  • 9 a.m. – On-site check-in and coffee
  • 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. – Seminar presentations
  • 11:30 a.m. – Networking lunch

Tifton schedule:

  • 7 a.m. – On-site check-in and coffee
  • 7:30 a.m. – Breakfast buffet lines open
  • 8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. – Seminar presentations

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Implications Of Bacterial Boll Rot

At our Georgia Association of County Ag Agents (GACAA) meeting, we get to see presentations and posters of work done around the state. I wanted to share this poster done by Holly Anderson in Ben Hill County, EVEN THOUGH our conditions this year were as less conducive for boll rot as they have been in a long time.

We’re normally wet in our area and this is a concern of many growers. Dr. Kemerait always has points about boll rot, but it is unavoidable if cotton is subjected to prolonged periods of wetness and humidity late in the growing season. This project shows the progression of boll rot from infection to harvest and potential losses.


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Filed under Cotton, Disease

December Row Crop Disease Update

A few things to think about with regards to disease and nematode management in preparation for the 2017 field season.

La Nina:  Our UGA Extension climatologist Pam Knox has good information available on our current conditions, but here are my thoughts:

We are currently in a “weak” La Nina situation, “weak” because the equatorial waters of the cost of Ecuador are more than a half degree COOLER than normal.  As best I can tell, the waters have been about 7/10 of a degree cooler which barely qualifies as a La Nina (as opposed to last year where we had a robust and sure-enough El Nino).  So what does this mean? During La Nina years, the Southeast tends to (“tends to” means more often than not, but not always..) experience warmer and drier winters. Because we have a weak La Nina, this forecast could change.

Pigweed seedhead in broccoli before Thanksgiving. We are yet to have frost to knock back pigweed growth.

Pigweed seedhead in broccoli before Thanksgiving. We are yet to have frost to knock back pigweed growth.

How does our current “La Nina” impact our recommendations?

  1.  Drier is not a good thing as it may mean we don’t fill up irrigation ponds for next year.  It my mean we have a lot of trouble establishing cover crops this fall.
  2.  Warmer temperatures may mean that kudzu, volunteer peanuts, corn, cotton-regrowth, etc. pathogens (like those that cause soybean rust and southern corn rust) may survive and increase longer than they would with an earlier “killing” frost.  Also, as long as the crops and volunteers are active in the field, nematode populations can continue to increase and build.  This will lead to larger populations for next season. Once the plants are killed, the nematodes can no longer feed. Once soil temps drop below 65F, the activity of the todes drops off as well.
  3.  We may get some very cold weather soon, so we may not need to worry that much; however the general prediction is that we will have a warmer winter.
  4.  The weather this winter will have some effect on TSWV and insects for next year.  It remains to be seen what and how… but it will impact them.

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Filed under Corn, Cotton, Disease, Peanuts, Soybeans, Weather

Cotton Variety Trial Harvest


The only good thing about having no rain is having good harvest conditions. We picked our dryland variety trial on Monday, the day before the first rain came in. All in all, I’ve heard good cotton yields this year from multiple varieties. Not a lot of difference in dryland and irrigated since rain through the season was good.

Things went really well for us on Monday, and we had plenty of help. We harvested the first two reps only, but with longer rows, it’ll show difference in varieties once the numbers are completed. We also took samples to send to the UGA micro-gin. We’re going to look at grades and turnout also. I’ll compile the information and present it at our cotton meeting on January 24th. Here are some pictures from this week:

Jodie Stringer and Lanie Stains get the scale set up.

Jodie Stringer and Lanie Stains get the scale set up.


Weighing the next variety

Mat Thompson, Andrew Sawyer, & Lanie Stains

Mat Thompson, Andrew Sawyer, & Lanie Stains

Taking samples for grade analysis.

Taking samples for grade

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Filed under Cotton

Good Time To Lime Ponds


We talk about weed issues in ponds, but another aspect of pond management is fertilization and liming. Haphazard fertilization programs are not recommended in ponds. However, liming every few years has cultural benefits to a pond and keeps the water alkalinity above 50 parts per million (ppm) which is better for certain herbicides.

When the soils become more acid, important pond nutrients like phosphorus (P) is not available to algal production. Phytoplankton are important for fish ponds for the production of oxygen. They also convert nutrients like ammonia, which can be toxic to fish, into a non-toxic form.

We spend a lot of time looking at pond weeds during the summer. When we have filamentous algae, we use compounds with copper. Copper that is toxic to plants and parasites in pond water is also toxic to catfish when the water is very soft. Copper sulfate is an example of these herbicides that is more likely to cause fish toxicity. Alkalinity needs to remain above 50ppm.

Testing Water

If there is no water in the pond, you can do a routine pH test on the soil. But it is not recommended to do a pH test of the water, because pH in water changes during the day. It is better to calculate the hardness of the water. UGA Extension Aquatic Specialist Dr. Gary Burtle has worked with the UGA Water lab in developing a pond water test. In my experience, if the pond has not been limed in a few years, it’s going to need lime. I’ve never seen a test come back that said no lime needed.

Sources of Lime

The real issue is solubility and particle size. Dr. Burtle says most of the lime should pass through a screen size of 200 meshes per inch. Lime larger than 60 mesh is too large; it dissolves too slow. Hydrated lime is a good lime for ponds, because it is more soluble in water than calcium carbonate.

Dr. Burtle recommends apply only 50 lbs of hydrated lime per acre in a single application in order to avoid creating ‘hot spots.’


Lime that passes through a 200 mesh, such as hydrated lime, is recommended for ponds.

Method of Application

If no water is in the pond, agriculture lime can be applied on dry pond bottom. Soil test of pH can determine the need.

With water, the worst thing we can do is dump lime in the pond from the edge. It is also not recommended to lime the perimeter of the pond. You need a boat to do it properly. Specialized equipment is also needed to calibrate correctly. Here In the top photo is Alan Dennard and Ken McKinis liming a pond a few weeks ago. They would make several passes over to not create hot spots.

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Filed under Aquatic Environments, Fertility

Late Planting Of Winter Forage

There’s very little winter forage in the ground if any to consider, but for the most part, we have no forage or grain crops in the ground now. I looked at a field of wheat yesterday – for cover crop – which was very dry. Last night we had 1/2 inch or more of rain, enough to not make a difference. It’s either late or dry. UGA Extension Forage Agronomist Dr. Dennis Hacock has thoughts late planting forage:

For parts of Georgia and the Southeast, the forecast is as favorable as we’ve seen in a long time. Plus, the forecasted amount of rain is significant. This has resulted in a number of livestock producers asking about making late plantings of winter annuals for forage. 

I recently updated an older factsheet that I wrote in 2007 with Dr. Don Ball, now Professor Emeritus at Auburn University. This factsheet, titled Late Plantings of Winter Annual Forages, provides more details on what one should consider when thinking about a late planting of winter annuals. Here’s a summary of the most pertinent parts to today’s considerations:


Planting winter annuals late should be considered VERY RISKY and every consideration to alternatively feeding low-price commodities and by-products (corn gluten, soy hulls, wheat mids, etc.) should be evaluated from an economic standpoint. When making a late planting of winter annuals, it is important to remember that one should consider not only the cost of seed, but also fertilizer, fuel, labor, and other costs, as well as the risk involved. If planting in late fall and early winter, focus on planting annual ryegrass. Annual ryegrass is fairly cold tolerant in the Deep South, and ryegrass seed is relatively inexpensive. Still, if a producer is going to try ryegrass in a planting in late fall or early winter, it makes sense to plant a variety known to have the potential to make early growth. Regardless, one should remember that the late planted crop is at significant risk of winter injury and the grass plants will not have a chance to reach their tillering potential. Certainly, productivity of these forages will be greatly reduced from normal expected yields. It is impossible to predict how much yield reduction will occur, but a good manager that receives favorable weather MAY produce 2000-4000 lbs of dry matter per acre if planting in late fall or early winter with a good ryegrass variety. 

A good rain would do us all good. But, a good rain will not end this drought. We are by no means “out of the woods.” This may be one’s best shot at getting decent winter annual forage growth started, but one should count the costs. If you can afford to take the risk and it is your best option, go for it. But, if you are literally betting the farm on a late winter planting, don’t. The risk is too great! A more expensive alternative that has less risk would be a far better choice.

For more information on how to manage during this drought, visit the drought management page on, which includes management advice, links to hay directories, and much more.

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Filed under Forages